Manage your finances fast and easy. The Luminor mobile bank app is designed to make all your daily banking services as easy as can be, with lots of useful features accessible in a blink of an eye. Also, forget about code generators and card codes - all you need after the first log-in is the 4-digit PIN code that you created yourself.What can you do once you’ve logged-in with the 4-digit PIN code?- View your account balance in just one tap- Find out everything about your accounts, expenditures, inflows or loans instantly- Make predefined payments up to EUR 300 fast and easily- Transfer money between own accounts easily- Find ATMs and Lumninor Bank branches on the map in your mobile app- Contact us in the way you preferWhat can you do when you log-in the usual way?- Make payments in Lithuania and to other countries within the EEA- View your deposits and loans- Check and confirm payments- Use the currency converter to exchange moneyNot our customer yet? It is easy to become one!